X-CEL 17
Rural and city water treatment facilities use chlorine to prevent contamination of germs and disinfect water lines. This process inactivates harmful microorganisms that can cause harm to our bodies. While this is beneficial for keeping our drinking water, storage tanks, and transfer lines clean, chlorine will also kill many beneficial nutrients we use in our nutritional crop plan.
Micro and macro nutrients have become increasingly popular over the last decade. Many farms and ranches have added these nutrients into their crop plans, but they will only be beneficial to your bottom line if they make it to the field alive.
Chlorine will attack and kill many nutrients, often times so quickly you won’t make it from your tender truck to the field with these nutrients alive. X-CEL 17 is a product that neutralizes chlorine so your live nutrients will stay alive. If you’re spraying using city or rural water and adding live nutrients into your tank mix, X-CEL 17 is a must have in every tank load.